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1. Fundamentals of testing
1.1 왜 테스팅이 필요한가?
1.2 What is testing
1.3 General testing principles
1.4 Fundamental test process
1.5 The psychology of testing
2. 소프트웨어 개발주기와 테스팅
2.1 Software Development Models
2.2 Test levels (K2)
2.3 Test types : the targets of testing
2.4 Maintenance testing
3.1 Reviews and the test process (K2)
3.2 Review process
3.3 Static analysis  by tools (K2)
4. Test design techniques
4.1 Identifying test conditions and designing test cases
4.2 Categories of test design techniques (K2)
4.3 Specification-based or black-box techniques
4.4 Structure-based or white-box techniques (K3)
4.5 Experience-based technique (K2)
4.6 Choosing test techniques (K2)
5. Test Management (K3)
5.1 Test organization (K2)
5.2 Test planning and estimation
5.3. Test progress monitoring and control
5.4 Configuration management (K2)
5.5 Risk and testing
5.6 Incident management (K3)
6. Tool support for testing(K2)
6.1 Types of test tool (K2)
6.2 Effective use of tools:potential benefits and risks (K2)
6.3 Introducing a tool into an organization

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